Cloud Solutions & Implementation

Multi-Cloud Solutions: Implementation Made Easier

The days of information technology organizations ruling by exception with the need for “heroic efforts” are finally becoming a relic of the past.

To truly realize the benefit offered by a multi-cloud implementation, Enterprise Cloud Solutions require the disciplined application of centralized rules and management. The most responsible plan of attack when implementing is to focus on the infrastructure that will manage the solution and provide visibility to its cost and performance, especially when using Technology Business Management principles as your guide.

While each Cloud Service Provider will use various tools to support multi-cloud deployments, the most effective means available that avoids vendor lock-in for your cloud vendor choices is How much do we believe in We use it to support the US Army Cloud Service Provider program and have even incorporated it into our Cloud Service Provider offering. focuses on three essential areas for successful multi-cloud deployments:

  • User Account Management
  • Budget Enforcement
  • Continuous Automated Compliance with Security, Privacy and Business requirements and policies operates in the AWS cloud and provides visibility into AWS, AWS Govcloud, Azure, and Google Cloud components of a multi-cloud implementation. It is our go-to tool for making implementation easier while allowing us to add more value for all of our clients responsibly.